Monday, October 8, 2012


Welcome to the University of Illinois at Chicago! As freshmen, we all feel kind of lost and intimidated on this big campus, but the UIC campus has a lot to offer. It not only provides students with great education, but also fun and interesting things to do.UIC campus may be a big change from a traditional high school because you may not be used to the metropolitan environment; however, it is a safe place where you can achieve your academic goals. UIC was formed in 1982, by the consolidation of two universities, the University of Illinois Medical Center and the University of Illinois Circle Campus. UIC's goal is to train its students to become professionals and share their knowledge with the world.
The UIC theater, UICT, is located at 1044 West Harrison St. In this theater many amazing plays have been performed such as Romeo and Juliet, and Hedda Gabler. It sits up to 250 people. For this semester, fall 2012, the theater offers many wonderful plays like Dying for It and Cloud 9. You will be able to attend all the different plays showed at UICT from the months of September through December. I have personally not attended a play at UICT, but I did ask a student coming out the theater what were his thoughts about it."I really like this theater, and have enjoyed the few plays that I've seen here, you should come and see one yourself," he responded. I look forward to attending a play this fall at UICT. A building right by UICT is the Education, Performing Arts and Social Work building, EPASW, which is located at 1040 West Harrison St. In this building, you can find the department of theater, music and social counseling. If you enjoy plays, art and music, make sure to come to the UICT and EPASW.


One of the buildings that I am more familiar with is the Behavioral Sciences Building, BSB, which is located at 1007 West Harrison Street. This building has a very a unique architecture design, unlike any other building at the campus. It has a geometrical shape, which may make you might feel a little intimidated when you are standing in front of it, but once you familiarize yourself with it, the intimidation goes away. BSB is a four story building, and might be a bit confusing to get around because of its distinctive shape, but after some time you will get used to it. Despite the shape of the building, its "sandy" color gives it a sense of familiarity to the rest of the UIC buildings. You may be familiar with this building if you have a class here, but if you are not then I have important information to tell you.
Cortesy of
In BSB, you can find a computer lab, which I use everyday to complete my school work and print out anything I need. You can also find a cafeteria and a small store where students buy lunch and socialize. In the cafeteria there are vending machines and a microwave where you can heat up your food. Right by the cafeteria you can locate an ATM machine, and an area where you can charge any electronic device while you study and finish homework. There are sitting areas spread inside BSB where you can rest and catch up on some reading. Although BSB is big, I feel comfortable around it because I attended my freshmen orientation here. I had the opportunity to explore this building before any other building on campus. I always tend to spend my free time at this building because I find it a quiet and relaxing place to finish school work. For all the commuting students as myself, you can locate a bus stop and a train station a few minutes away from these three buildings. The expressway runs right by Harrison St, so any exit you take will leave you only a few blocks away from your UIC destination. There is a parking lot located by BSB for both staff and students.
The students that enter BSB everyday vary in ethnicity and seem to be from their late teens to their early adult years. Students socialize and wait for their next class in the smoking areas outside the building. While observing the building I interviewed a student and I asked her what role did BSB play in her daily life here at UIC? Hanna, current UIC student, replied, "The Behavioral Sciences Building is a place that I visit often because I have few classes here and because I like to meet with my friends and smoke a cigarette outside the building." Just like Hanna and me, am sure that you can find BSB useful somehow in your daily life here at UIC.
All these buildings I have mentioned include helpful resources that contribute with UIC's goal which is to prepare students to become professionals. I encourage you to come and see for yourself how they can help you. I hope this information was helpful and you learned a little bit more about the UIC campus and what it offers. Have a great school semester!

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