Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Come Along on a tour around lecture halls & more at UIC!

Come Along on a tour around Lectures Halls & More at UIC!

            Going to college can be overwhelming especially when you see a place full of tall buildings and worst yet, when you don’t know how to get around. There is nothing to worry about; I am here to help you out! Campus doesn't look so bad when you have someone to tell you how it looks and where things are. On the bottom of the page there is a map of the east campus. The area with the black label will be the one I will introduce you to. This area includes the library and the quad, which is located in the middle of lecture halls A, B, C, D and E. To the back of Lecture Center E (LCE) is Taft Hall. To the back of Taft Hall is Burnham Hall and Addams Hall. As you might assume, since the quad is consider to be the middle of the campus many people know where it is. The quad is known for the fun events that happen there. And since you’re already part of UIC, you will soon experience the events that go on in the quad.

Most of the buildings here look the same. Many of the buildings share the same opaque beige color. The atmosphere is comfortable. (That is my opinion but once you come to campus you will have your own feelings.) From all of these buildings, the one you should get to know the most is the library. The library is awesome! Need help? Go to the library.  Need silence and peace? Go to the library. Need a coffee? Go to the library. The library is a three story building. It has balconies on each floor. The color of the building is beige. There are some benches in the front of library, for when you’re tired. If you’re riding your bike to the library, don’t worry there are many bike racks outside of the library. The staff at the library is very helpful. The atmosphere here is enjoyable because people respect the silence.  Inside the library you will find lots of students, but you will also see professors grabbing their coffee. Want to know some quick facts of our library? The library serves 25,000 students and 11,000 faculty members. Our library was born on September 1st, 1982. The address of the library 801 S. Morgan St, just in case you need to find it using GPS.

The next buildings are the lecture halls! How exciting! There aren’t a lot of people in the lecture halls when there isn’t class. Lecture halls pretty much look the same from the outside; they all have big white poles that seem to be supporting the whole building. The doors have a red border and have see-through doors.  The halls look the same from the outside, but are very different on the inside. For example, lecture center B has comfortable seats while lecture center F has prettier chairs and seems to have more technology equipment. Another thing that makes the halls different is that lecture halls B and E are much smaller than the other halls. The other halls have the same size. Something good to know is that the Latino Cultural center meets in lecture center B. The Latino cultural center offers many video-discussion sections. They get pretty interesting, whenever you have time, check it out! You will have a great time. All halls are equipped with air conditioning.

The Quad! This place is where all the action happens, mostly during the sunny times because in the winter I doubt anyone hangs out there. The quad is in the center of all the lecture centers as I have mentioned before. A lot of people hang out in the quad. There you will see people skateboarding, students jumping from benches, on their laptops, on their phones, and eating lunch.  Many people come to the quad when they have a break to catch up with friends or to enjoy the great day. When there is an event it’s usually in the quad. When student organizations have a fair it’s in the quad. I guess this is because everyone knows where it is. Some cool events that have happened here include B96, one of Chicago’s radio stations, coming and giving free t-shirts and getting the party started with their music. Since many people hang out in the quad the environment feels nice and friendly. Everyone is doing their own thing. Students talk about their day and how it went. Some complain about the homework. Others talk about food and their starvation.

Taft hall is cool. It usually houses math classes but like the other halls it also used for other classes. Students socialize in front of Taft hall to wait for their classes to start. Others hurry to get to class on time. Taft hall is quiet. It has some seats and couches if you want to do your homework. Addams Hall and Burnham Hall don’t seem to have a lot of people visiting them. There are some people just hanging out. But again it is mostly when people have classes

Addam Hall(Right)Taft Hall (Left)  

The University is a good place to be. Everyone is friendly and UIC’s history seems to be present in the buildings. The area I presented to you is very nice, you can’t really get lost because all of the buildings have their names on the outside. What I love about our university is the diversity there is. Here you can see all kinds of faces and that is good because in the real world you will have to interact with many different people. The university also offers a lot of useful resources for the students. I hope you’re proud you choose UIC as your school because I know I am:)

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