Monday, October 15, 2012

Paolo's Response Post

Response Blog

Paolo Morales

            The first blog I read was by Nicole Galvin. She wrote about the same area as I did, and so I thought it would be nice to compare what each of us had to say about the area. The first thing I noticed was that she had a hook on her introduction, while I just dove straight into talking about my area. She also uses second person, which I think was a great idea because I feel that second person really engages the reader. Though she uses all capitals on a word and drags the letter at the end of a word. I.E: SOOOOO and Ahhhhhh. Also, she listed all the offices in the building so students get a pretty good idea of what the building was made for. She also put a map of the east campus which was a great idea so incoming students will have a better idea of where Student Service Building is located. Overall I really liked Nicole’s blog. I thought it was well thought out and does a good job in grabbing the reader’s attention. The picture’s she chose are a great add-on since they are supplemental to the blog. She also somewhat fulfilled the main goal, which was to link the mission statement to the area we are observing. The only times I’ve been to SSB was during orientation, and to pick up my U-Pass. Personally, I cannot link the mission statement with SSB so far because I don’t need financial aid. Although I know many people that receive it so I know this building is beneficial to many students
            Next was Yessica Huizar’s blog post on Area 2. First thing I noticed was that it looked a bit short, but maybe because she didn’t post her Word file on the blog. She also started out with an introductory paragraph. She has multiple building is her area, the UIC Theatre, Education, Performing Arts and Social Work Building, and Behavioral Sciences Building. She does a good job explaining what they look like and where they’re located. She also implements multiple quotes from people she interviewed and puts them in the correct spot. She doesn’t link the mission statement with her area and didn’t put pictures of the buildings. Overall, I thought she did a good job. She could have elaborated on each building, but she did a good job of describing and telling us where they’re located. She also has to add a picture. I’ve only been to the Behavioral Sciences Building during orientation. That’s where we had all the speeches and most meetings. From what I’ve heard is that the building is pretty confusing so I’m glad that I don’t have any classes in there. I’ve never been to the UIC Theatre, and the Education, Performing Arts, and Social Work Building because my major (Biological Science) doesn’t require me to take those types of classes. I don’t even know where their located so I have no experiences at those buildings. But I know that all of these buildings provide for students education obviously and so I think that it does relate to UIC’s mission statement.
            The last one I read was by Alyssa Salemi on Area 5. She observed the UIC Resident Halls. She jumped right into talking about the resident halls, just like what I did. She wrote it in first person and gives great detail on how it is living in the dorms. She describes the sounds she hears while she walks down the hallways. She also gives her advice of how she became to familiarize herself with the dorms. She lacked describing the James Stukel Towers, and Marie Robinson Hall. She didn’t add any quotations though, but has a couple of pictures. She also linked her area with the UIC mission statement. If I haven’t mentioned it earlier the statement is, “To provide a wide range of students with the educational opportunity only a leading research university can offer”.  Overall, I thought that Alyssa did a good job of describing one of the dorm halls, but could have done a better job on describing JST, and MRH. She added two nice pictures of the buildings, and did a good job of talking about the history of the area she observed and linked the mission statement with it. I live in Commons West so I have a bit of knowledge of it. There are many floor activites that residents can go to, and my peer mentor is a math tutor, so I could go to her for help for math whenever I need it. I think that dorming represents UIC’s mission statement well because I feel that it only helps students with their educational goals because they have multiple resources within the buildings for school help and also their located within campus and so that means students are close to the library and the offices of professors. It’s easy access for learning and studying. There has been many times where I studied in dorms with other classmates.

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