Sunday, October 7, 2012

Read All About BSB.. And No, I Don't Mean Backstreet Boys!

   Did you know that UIC was built in 1982, after destroying various historic sites? Did you know that UIC originally started as a 2-year graduate division for returning veterans?  Did you know that in 1988, UIC enrolled 25,000 students in 15 colleges, making it the largest it the largest university in the Chicago area? Starting college can be a very scary thing, but knowing the background and history of your school makes your college experience even more interesting, fun and less overwhelming.

Even though UIC is not a huge campus, it’s big enough. I still get lost going to some of my classes; but it’s alright I guess, because college is an overall learning experience. I’ve explored many parts of the campus, just to familiarize myself with my school. I’ve discovered many interesting buildings and areas, as well as many good restaurants. One interesting area of UIC in particular that I explored was the area with BSB (Behavioral Science Building). This is also where the UIC Theater and the college Education, Performing Arts and Social Work building are located.
If you go and explore this area, you will observe many interesting things, just as I did. In BSB, you will see many people socializing by sitting at tables together, people charging their phones and laptops at the outlet stations, and even people lounging in the chairs located around the different classrooms in BSB (Behavioral Science Building). The interior and exterior of the Behavioral Science Building has a very unique design, unlike the other buildings on the UIC campus. From the outside, the building may be scary or very frightening to new students. There are very different shapes outlined along the exterior of BSB, which makes it very easy for anyone to find. There are also many trees and grassy areas around the Behavioral Science Building, as well. When you walk into the building, it is almost as if you just walked into a maze. There are so many different twists and turns inside of BSB that you may even get lost a few times, just like me. In every corner of the building, there are a set of classrooms on each floor; but the building is so confusing that you must remember where your classroom is located. There are cafés in there, as well as a mini-mart for those passing through to grab a bite to snack on. It is personally one of my favorite buildings on campus. It is very convenient to me; I can grab a bite to eat, socialize or study with friends and even charge my phone or laptop at the same time, in one building.  
The other buildings in that area, such as the UIC Theater and the School of Education and Performing Arts, are interesting as well. The UIC Theater has flashy billboards to catch others attention as they are passing through, since it is usually very busy on this side of campus. While observing this side of campus, I stopped and spoke with an Asian American woman as she was walking out of the UIC Theater building. While speaking to her, I asked: “Are you usually involved with programs at the UIC Theater? Have you ever been to the Theater?” Her response was: “Well, I am a freshman. So, I was just here looking around at the different things on campus during my break before my next class. I haven’t been to the Theater yet, but I can’t wait to go to the first play or show that is showcased here. I’ve heard from many upperclassmen that the Theater puts on great shows. So, I can’t wait!”
  The School of Education, Performing Arts and Social Works building may look small on the outside, but on the inside it is huge. On the first floor, there is a long hallway, with several different rooms and lounging areas for students. In the basement, there are more lounging areas and more rooms, along with different acting studios. I didn’t explore the entire building because I got lost a little. The School of Education, Performing Arts and Social Work is a huge building, as you can see; big enough for someone to get lost, if you don’t know where you’re going. This building is right in the middle of the expressway and Morgan Street, which is a very busy area on the UIC campus. This buildings location helps to explain a small fact about UIC’s history. UIC was built originally a commuting school in the 1980’s and it still is to some extent. A vast majority of UIC students today are commuter students, since only about 25% students stay on campus, while the rest commutes to and from school.  This is the primary reason that many historic sites had to be destroyed to build UIC. On about every inch of land of UIC, there once was either a home or business that the city workers were ordered to tear down. They wanted the school near the expressway to accommodate the commuter students.
 Knowing UIC’s history and observing certain areas of your new school can really help you feel at home, as you can see. You get to learn so much about your school; from the different buildings on campus, to the abundance of diversity on campus and so much more. I was terrified on my first day of college; but every person would be on their first day of a new atmosphere that you’ll have to familiarize yourself to. But once you become comfortable with your school and your surroundings at your school, you’ll be just fine. Trust me.
Good Luck! J
(The view of the Behavioral Science Building from the outside)

(An inside view of the Behavioral Science Building)

(The marquee signs for the UIC Theater)

(The inside of the UIC theater)
(An outside view of the Education, Performing Arts & Social Work Building)

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