Sunday, October 7, 2012

Flame Knowledge! : My Experience as a Flame

UIC as a whole has offered me an experience like no other. Reading blogs from the rest of the class has taught me to appreciate my surroundings more and has given me a sense of encouragement to visit more sections the campus has to offer. For example, in area 2, the main focus of Yessica Huizar, a fellow classmate, is the Behavioral Sciences Building, famously known as BSB. As she explains in her blog, BSB was one of the first buildings introduced to freshmen at orientation. As she says in her bog, “The students that enter BSB everyday vary in ethnicity and seem to be from their late teens to their early adult years,” giving a general outlook of the atmosphere BSB has to offer. Like stated in the mission statement, UIC wants to provide a wide range of students with the educational opportunity only a leading research university can offer,” and has done a well job so far. Since BSB held orientation, I believe it was chosen as a proper way of introducing the new freshmen to the school in a diverse and easy way. This gave the students a sense of welcoming, which I believe is the primary purpose of orientation. Not only does this area appeal to me because of the description provided by Huizar, but because the atmosphere itself was initially introduced to me as a starting point.
            On the other hand, a different area covered by another pupil was that of the residence halls on Maxwell Street. I gave a summary about this area in my own blog post, even though it was not my area to cover, because I believe this area is of great significance. Alyssa Salemi, author of the blog post covering the residence halls, details the residence halls located on Maxwell Street as “modern” and “surrounded by shops and cafes.” This helps give the reader more depth into what you would expect to see when visiting this place. I agree with her when she says that the Commons North and South both are “relatively unimpressive-looking buildings.” I have visited these buildings and they do look rather plain and dull compared to the Marie Robinson Hall located on Maxwell Street, the center of a huge debate in UIC history. Overall, this blog gave me a more sense of what it would be like to live on campus in various areas.
            Another important area covered was that of the Quad. To incoming freshmen, the Quad may seem overwhelming, but for returning UIC students, it has become the center of it all. It’s filled with many diverse groups of people and activities are occurring every other day. It branches off into what are known as the lecture halls causing it to be a pretty good source when trying to locate a class on campus. As one blogger, Tonancy Gomez, posted,” Since many people hang out in the quad the environment feels nice and friendly.” I think this is true since visiting the Quad is part of my daily routine. I agree in her blog post that not that much is interesting when it comes to the buildings or their structure. As you look at what surrounds them, a lot varies between someone just lying on the concrete benches and another student skateboarding from one end to another. Another thing I enjoyed about this area was the description of the library. It seemed, as Gomez depicted, as a quiet and calmer space to go to when in need of studying or gathering information for a task.
            Overall, my view of UIC hasn’t really changed significantly, but has expanded. I now see how diverse the people whom I am surrounded by everyday truly are. I’ve learned on how if I want to hang out with a new friend living on campus I either have to endure the simplicity of Commons North or enjoy the modernized Marie Robinson Hall. I’ve also seen how history has played a role in the construction of the campus as well as the destruction of other places, such as Maxwell Street. I’ve been given direction of where the library is located and the different personalities I may encounter there. My view of UIC has grown in the little time I’ve been attending school here and to this moment, not only do I believe I made the right choice in choosing to educate myself here, but also in choosing a second home that has so much to offer. I can’t wait to continue my studies here as a UIC Flame.

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