Friday, October 12, 2012

There's No Campus Without Us!

The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) was built after World War II as a two-year undergraduate program for veteran students. By 1965, a new campus was built in Chicago’s west side, which included a four-year program for students to earn their degrees. It is clear the original goal for UIC has grown into something much more than a two-year program. One of UIC’s missions is to create knowledge that transforms our views of the world through sharing and application of ideas. It’s accomplishing its mission with the design of college campus and the Behavioral Science Building (BSB) is a good example of that.
When you first see the building, it can be quite intimidating. This building doesn’t look like the other buildings you would see on campus. The very first thing I noticed about this building was that it’s big, gray, and has very few windows. It almost looks like a prison. Walking in, my impression of the inside was the same as the outside. I remember walking in and not knowing what was ahead. The hallways were small and tight. There also where signs to show where the rooms are, but you would still feel lost from the design of BSB. At this point, you are probably wondering how this prison-like building UIC with its mission. At first sight, BSB looks like there isn’t much to offer, but looks can deceiving.
   The Behavioral Science Building
 When you walk in, you do feel intimidated by the building, but maybe that isn’t a bad thing. I remember the first time I entered BSB was for my orientation. I was scared because the building was different from my high school. I wanted the people around to help me. To my surprise, that is what happened. It is tough being a new student in a new school. After walking in, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do next, but with the help of the orientation leaders, I felt better about the rest of the day. The next thing I remember was walking into the big lecture room and seeing 200 hundred new faces. I wasn’t as scared as I was before, so I decided to introduce myself. The people I met were nice and friendly. Some of them had the same mind set as me. They were scared about a new school but they didn’t let that fear hold them back from enjoying this experience. It was nice to know that there were others that felt the same way I did. In a way, it felt like we were there to help each other. We were all facing this new challenge, so why not face it together? Maybe that is why the freshman orientation is held here.
BSB also helps students with their academic goals. Inside the building, you will find the lecture rooms and the computer lab. The lecture rooms are where some classes are taught. My Crime, Law, and Justice class is held there every Monday and Wednesday. The class sizes are huge, so it’s easy to ask for help from the people near you. The computer lab is there for the student’s use as well. It’s a great place for surfing the web on your free time or doing research for a homework assignment. Some of my friends go there while they wait for their next class.
Not only is BSB a place for students to learn, it is also a place for students to relax. There are some quiet seating areas on the first floor, second floor, and the roof. From the roof, you get a very beautiful view of downtown Chicago. In addition, the BSB also has a food court on the lower level. There are vending machines and the food court store, which provides quick snacks for students on the go, or students in need of a break. I noticed that the students go to the food court to finish up some homework, eat some food, or talk with their friends. My friend Eddie says, “it’s a good place to study and do homework because of the calm and peaceful setting.” I usually go to the food court with my friends when we want to catch up with each other.
                 The view of downtown from the rooftop
The UIC mission is to create and share knowledge that transforms the views of the world. The Behavioral Science Building is a key factor to why the school has been able to achieve this goal. It offers resources for the students to use to help them learn and interact with others. I enjoy being there because it has a lot to offer. It’s an area where students are able to work, as well as have fun together.

In my blog post, I talked about how the Behavioral Science Building (BSB) plays a role in UIC’s mission to transform the views of the world through sharing and application of ideas. Although BSB is important, it is not the only contribution to the mission. The university has much to offer.  The campus has many halls were classes take place, areas for students to relax or study, and many restaurants/stores for students to enjoy a meal. I try to enjoy everything that UIC offers for its students.
            I really enjoyed reading other students blogs because it helps you look at certain areas in a deeper perspective. The many halls in UIC are great examples. These buildings are where some classes take place. These buildings are all different from one another. Some are bigger then the others, and some are newer. Once inside, you can easily tell that Stevenson Hall is older than Douglas or Lincoln Hall. Elisabeth Tapoi says these buildings “don’t have a large purpose besides classrooms, lounges areas, and computer labs.” A lot of people would agree, but I feel that there is a greater purpose than what it appears to be. The buildings are here to prepare the students with their future. My English classes are in Stevenson Hall. I really enjoy these classes, because I can use what I learned in everyday life. In English 160, we are learning grammar. It seems so basic, but it will help when I write a business letter or work on my résumé. Most of my schoolwork is done in these halls. I enjoy being there because I get to learn with my fellow classmates.
Grant and Douglas Hall
            Another area that helps with UIC’s mission to transform the world through sharing and application of ideas is area 7, or the quad. According to Bhavana Kolli, the quad “is like the kitchen, the heart of the home.” It’s located at the center the campus. It is the biggest intersection that UIC has. There are always people walking through it. It might be an intersection, but I see it as a great place to meet new people. There are so many people; it’s so easy to start a conversation with someone. I met a couple of my friends at the quad just by walking up to them and saying hello. Since there are a lot of people at the quad, it makes sense that the sign-ups for fraternities and sororities were located there. That is where I signed up for the dance group, Fia Modern. The quad is something that can’t easily be explained because there is so much that goes on in this area. It is truly a great place to socialize. In order to get the full experience, you have to go see it for yourself.
The Quad

            College seems like all work and no play, but that is not true with UIC. In the post, I talked about BSB being a great place to relax, but the campus has much more than just BSB. I want to talk about area 6. Area 6 is on the east side of campus and contains two of my favorite buildings, Student Center East (SCE) and the Recreation Center (RC). Student Center East is where you will find a good portion of the restaurants on the campus. It also has the UIC bookstore and the bowling alley. I usually go the to SCE with my friends when we are hungry. I like how there is a variety of food choices unlike highschool. The Recreation Center is where students participate in all types of physical activities like basketball, running, swimming, etc. These buildings are great places for students to get away from all the schoolwork, and it also helps UIC with another mission. In Minh Huynh’s blog post, he says “One of the goals of UIC is to help give back to the communities that UIC was built on.” He also says “I think that the RC is one great way to give back to the community.” I agree with his statement because I use the Recreation center on a daily basis. School is very stressful sometimes, and I visit the RC to relieve some of my stress. I go there to play basketball, work out, and dance. Without Student center East and the Recreation Center, I don’t know where I would spend my free time.
Student Center East                                        Student Recreation Center
            Although these areas might have a different purpose for everyone, they still contribute to the UIC mission to transform the view of the world through sharing and application of ideas. The halls allow students to work and study together and allows to them share ideas. The quad is a wonderful place on campus for students to see their friends or make new ones. Lastly, Student Center East and the Recreation center allow the university to give back to the community. Even though I only mentioned certain areas, the entire UIC campus is designed specifically to achieve every single one of its goals. You don’t really notice the things the university has to offer until you take the time to enjoy them all.

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