Monday, October 8, 2012

You're never alone for long at UIC

             The students of UIC are said to be extremely diverse in terms of ethnicity, and I can personally support that claim. Anyone who just briefly walks around campus can attest to the same. Yasmin Matariyeh even writes that, “as you are walking through the “quad” you [can] hear 5 different languages”. This school prides itself in being diverse. In the mission statement it claims, “To foster scholarship and practices that reflect and respond to the increasing diversity of the U. S. in a rapidly globalizing world”, which clearly lets us know that UIC is trying to do all that it can for it's diverse students. For example, UIC has support networks for a persons racial background, for disability students, or for students who identify as LGBTQA. UIC always wants it's students to have someone to relate to, who'll also be there to help them out when school or life gets tough.
             UIC is a school were friendliness is not a question. It just feels like everyone is willing to help you whenever you ask. I think that's why UIC feels so comfortable to me, and I feel like everyone thinks the same. “Despite the traffic, I find a sense of friendliness in these buildings”, writes Alyssa Salemi in regard to the residence halls. Although there are a lot of people hurrying to class, if you're ever lost, just kindly ask anyone how to get to what building, and I know that they'll help out. We all know that panicky feeling that comes with being lost in an unfamiliar place, and also know how relieving it is to have someone help you. Even if you're not directly on campus, the people on the surrounding streets are so willing to help out if you're lost or something. I know on my first day in Chicago I got lost on my way back to west campus, and a girl I asked for directions from, walked with me until I found my dorm.
             If this was the 1940's then you could easily take classes at UIC 's Navy Pier campus, and after class just spend your time there. You would easily meet all sorts of people at the Navy Pier campus. Even today UIC is a great school with some of the best people you'll ever meet. Now the question is how do you meet these great people, and the answer is simple: join clubs, go to events, or even just approach someone in the quad. You have no reason not do any of those things. UIC is always doing something, no matter how busy you are there is always something going on in the amount of down time you have. Like I can remember multiple times were I would go into the quad and there are tons of booths just set up, and as Bhavana Kolli says, “[the quad is] the heart of the home”. I'm pretty sure that the fact that UIC is always having some sort of event is just another way that demonstrates how friendly the school is.
             To sum up, UIC is definitely a school I recommend. Yes it has some scary and overwhelming looking buildings, and yes college is a scary experience, but UIC has things about it that allows you to just lean back and relax. It could be the friendliness of the teachers and students here that are so willing to help. It could even be the areas, like Henry and Jefferson Hall that are great places to relax.

I hope you like it as much as I do. Good luck!

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