Tuesday, October 9, 2012

From Addams Hall to The Quad.... Here's the UIC Guide!

Bhavana K.
I remember the first time I stepped onto the grounds of UIC. I was just 14 years old and visiting with my family. I knew nothing of UIC and what it meant. University of Illinois at Chicago, a school as big as its name. Although it’s known for the medical department, UIC has something for everyone. There are many departments to explore. The college itself is a big puzzle piece; even though every building is separated, they all come together to create a wonderful campus. As a student you will get to experience UIC in many ways and find clues to get from one area to the next. I was assigned to observe the library, the quad, TH, AH, BH and lecture halls A, B, C, D, & F.
If you are not familiar with the campus, you may be saying, “What the heck is the quad?” The quad to me is like a kitchen, the heart of the home. It’s a gathering place for all students and even some teachers. As I was sitting in the quad, the buildings and trees surrounded me. People were doing homework, playing ball, and catching up with friends. I felt so carefree and at ease while I was there during my break between classes. The buildings surrounding the quad are all a part of the campus. You can even see the Willis Tower in the distance. All the buildings around the quad are made of concrete and can sometimes feel cold while the quad had sunlight beaming onto the wooden benches. UIC’s mission is to have a diverse student population; it has been successful in doing so. The quad is the best representation of just how diverse the campus really is. If you’re new to campus, the quad is great way to meet new people and get a great feeling for diversity.
Surrounding the quad are lecture halls A, B, C, D, E, & F. Each lecture hall has six rooms and can house many students at once. To me the halls always seem empty because students only use the building when they have a class there. Even though the halls look the same on the outside, each one is different on the inside. To name one difference, lecture hall F has a more modern feel with new chairs and built in projectors in the ceiling while lecture hall B seems stuck in the past with no technology and old ripped up chairs. Most importantly, all the lectures halls are all air – conditioned! It’s a very quiet place to go to when the quad becomes overcrowded with people.
West of the quad is a building that can’t be missed, the Richard J. Daley library. As you walk toward the library you come face –to- face with two concrete structures leading you to the front doors. The first step you take into the building, you won’t even recognize that it’s a library until you’re in front of thousands of books. There is a book for every topic in the world. A feeling of peace runs through you while exploring all the books of the library. The library provides you with access to computers, printers, and private desks to study for exams. It feels like history has been sealed and stored in the building.
Near the quad and the library are BH, AH, and TH. TH stands for Taft Hall, BH for Bumham Hall, and AH is Addams Hall. These buildings around UIC are sometimes known as the BAT cave. The cluster of buildings all look identical with their concrete design, and they have an older feeling to them. They look like they have had no renovations done to them since they have been built. They all have the same layout with their identical stairs and lounge areas. Also, Taft Hall has lockers that students can rent out for the semester. These halls are generally used for small class discussions, but students can also hang out downstairs where there are couches and desks. The area around the buildings is very quiet and peaceful. I saw kids lying in the grass, doing homework, and parking their bikes in the many bikes racks available in front of Taft Hall. The quad is a social area while these buildings are like the library, very quiet and peaceful.
Each day as I step onto the campus, I still feel like the lost 14- year- old, amazed at how big and diverse UIC is. The Mission Statement states that UIC is here to help a wide range of students with educational opportunities. All the areas I have talked about are here to help you make your dreams into a reality. So until you make your visit to the campus, everything will feel new and confusing. Still curious about our campus? Check out the University of Illinois at Chicago’s website to schedule a campus visit. See you guys around!  

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