Monday, October 8, 2012

Getting Around Campus

I can recall the first time stepping onto the comfortable grass as a young boy. I took my shoes and socks off and let the blades of grass brush against my feet with each step as I made my way towards a field. As a young boy I would always pass by the park and just imagine how fun it would be to play whatever sport we could think of. That’s what the field is for; having fun, making new friends and engaging in worth-while conversation. The field connects you to everyone on the same field because you’re invited to talk to whomever and if you’re looking for a great time, look no further. No one wants to be alone or bored throughout their college life, so why not take a chance and check out one of the recreation fields, tennis courts, or watch one of the Flames’ games or simply take a quick jog around the park. Section 9 is the recreational field, along with the soccer, baseball, and softball fields. Safety is never the issue around section 9 because of the police station on Morgan Street and getting around is quick and easy with the transportation facility just south to the police station.   
         Description: UIC baseball field                 Description: courts
            There is more to college than just going to school and taking the bus back home. This is about the time of our lives where we want to be out with friends, is it not? So why not take a quick stroll around the intersection of Halsted and Roosevelt and visit the recreational fields, watch a baseball, softball, or soccer game with some friends. Take it from me, I took a visit there and made a couple friends within the hour. A few friends I brought along brought the idea up of playing a softball game, since we had brought a bat and ball. They agreed and then had a friendly game and exchanged numbers. What do you know! I made a couple friends I thought that it would take a while to make, in just a few days threw the school year.
 Since I can remember, I’ve always been involved in some kind of activity at school whether it is sports, clubs or intramural sports. Joining teams is the easiest way to make friends, by far. From day one, you’re told that this group of men/women will carry you as far as you can go. Some of the greatest friendships are made on teams and because you build trust with someone in particular, this will then carry on further when you become successful. If you’re not crazy about competitive sports, then join a club. Clubs, like sports, are meant to be fun and friendly, minus the competition from other schools. Yes, you might get in arguments once in a while, but how do you think you meet new people? Great things do not happen overnight; they take time and slowly build on events. Organizing a softball or soccer game at one of the recreation fields is also an option. They are open to all students, and rounding up players is usually never the issue. The only problem would be who is going to bring the bat and ball. Description:                                       Description:
            It doesn’t hurt to know a little history about the school and its upbringing right? You never know if you’re going to get a test with an extra credit question being, “What famous street was destroyed to build the new fields and Thomas Beckham and Marie Robinson Halls?” The answer to that question would be Maxwell Street. Maxwell Street is located a block or two away from Roosevelt Road but you’ll know where it is because of the very nice, Marie Robinson and Thomas Beckham halls. Maxwell Street, at one point, was a bustling marketplace home to a slew of poor residents. The residents were not benefiting themselves or the University Campus surrounding it, so in order to make the University look appealing, the deconstruction of Maxwell Street happened. Thanks to the support from the mayor, new dorms and fields were created specifically for students. Up to this day, I have never seen the area in and around Maxwell Street empty. If you do end up getting that question right somewhere along the way, you’re very welcome. “I think the new look for UIC on Roosevelt and the surrounding blocks was best for the University, looking forward. Before, nothing really caught your attention, but now we have nice dorms, fields to play or chill, watch a game, or have a bite to eat.” Take it from your fellow students; it sounds like things have changed for the better.
            Now imagine you’re finished with class and you want to have fun with some friends. You’re exiting the quad and walking passed SCE (Student Center East building). Then you hop on the 8 Halsted to 79th bus and you’re getting off on Roosevelt. You are then going to find yourself at the Earl L. Neal Plaza, but as soon as you get off make your way towards Roosevelt and make a left towards the church. Just a few steps further you see FAC (Flames Athletic Center). Because you see FAC, you now know you have arrived at section 9 and are now going to have a great time with your friends. 
            I’m sure every student has or will eventually get lost at least once. It’s bound to happen, but in this particular area it will not be of much concern because there is a transportation facility and police station right next to each other and there are several bus stops around the area. There should be no excuses not to go in one of the facilities and ask for directions when you’re lost.  Take it from someone who has been lost around section 9 before. I did not know where to go! So I went to the nearest shop and asked for directions. The cashier from one of the local restaurants was clueless on how to get me home by bus; so instead, he pointed me in the direction of the transportation facility. I arrived and asked for a way to get home. They were kind enough to tell me which bus to take and where it will drop me off. As an eighth grader at the time, I had never taken the CTA before, so you can imagine how lost I felt. But they made it easy for me and wrote everything on a piece of paper and I eventually got home safely and lived happily after.
            Section 9 is a friendly environment with a great appeal. Just once, take a visit and you too will be convinced of how quick it would be to make friends if you open up and talk. Visit the athletic center and workout with a buddy or go solo, or at the physical education building as well. If you are looking to make some friends and have great times, don’t just go straight home, visit section 9.


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